23 Swaps, My Favorite Things and Hashtags for 2023


#1 – Buy yourself a new cup and drink more water! Liquid calories and sugar add up quicker than you might realize.
Swap your soda, tea, and juice, and drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water everyday. There are all kinds of options for re-fillable water bottles in fun colors that keep your drink just as cold as a Yeti for less than 1/2 the price. #bargain

#2 – Find a way to give your talents to someone everyday. Swap a minute of your time to give to someone else. A smile, a note, extra help, inspiration, a thought, a prayer, a hug… #give

#3 – An apple a day…keep eating apples (organic ones), but also swap them for a lemon. Lemons offer a significant dose of vitamin C, produce alkalinity in the body, boost metabolism and immunity and keep skin clear from blemishes and breakouts. Add the juice of one whole lemon to a mug of warm water first thing in the morning to kick start your day. #immuneboost

#4 – Set a step goal for every day. Move better, feel better. Fresh air in your face is proven to boost your mood and improve energy. Swap 30 minutes of TV time for a walk. If you do not have a fitness tracker, there are plenty of apps on your phone that will help track your steps/workouts. #movemore

#5 – Swap out the chips in your cabinet that are loaded with inflammatory oils, dyes, preservatives, and chemicals, for popcorn (not microwave) or a few chips with a short ingredient list. Remember, if you are going to eat chips or have them in the pantry for your family, watch your portions AND remember the fewer ingredients the better. Potato chips should say: potatoes, oil and salt on the ingredient list. That is all. #under5ingredients

#6 – Use more citrus. Swap out those bottled salad dressings and use more of an oil/vinegar/citrus blend. This adds tons of flavor and less calories. Olive or avocado oil with a flavored vinegar and some fresh lemon, lime, or orange juice and you are all set! #nomorebottleddressings

#7 – Swap your coffee creamer for 1 tsp of organic coconut oil blended with some cinnamon and a splash of almond milk. Use a hand held frother to create the perfectly blended mug. DO IT NOW. You won’t regret it! #coffeelover

#8 – While we are on the topic of coffee, swap out those plastic K cups for reusable cups!  You should never be consuming something that runs through plastic at a high enough temperature to almost melt it. #dontdrinkplastic

#9 – And one more thing on the coffee topic, take a few extra minutes in the morning and swap those K cups for a French press. The flavor is so much richer and when that cup of coffee is higher quality and less sugar, you will drink less and enjoy it more. #youdontneed5cups

#10 – Chocolate lovers…keep eating those antioxidants, but swap your milk chocolate for dark chocolate. Start at a semi-sweet and work your way up to about 85%. One to two squares ends up being the perfect amount to satisfy that sweet tooth. Trader Joe’s has one of my favorites and a fabulous section for Fair Trade chocolates in all flavors. #sugarisakiller

#11 – Swap out that heavy side dish (pasta, mashed potatoes, mac ’n cheese) with roasted veggies. You can roast anything, add some seasoning and have a super flavorful side dish for dinner and leftovers for lunch the next day. Sweet potatoes, cauliflower, eggplant, tomatoes, butternut squash, beets, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, green beans, zucchini…..roast away. #JustTryIt

#12 – Focus on gratitude and swap 5 minutes of sleep each morning for a daily devotional or journaling time. Consistency is key and starting your day this way will guarantee a shift in your day. There are lots of apps for guided prayer and meditation. #dailydevotion

#13 – Snacks. Swap those highly processed, roasted nuts with raw nuts of all kinds (peanuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts). Check your ingredient list. Most nuts are roasted with highly inflammatory oils (canola, peanut, vegetable) that you want to stay away from. #checkyournuts 

#14 – Increased flexibility and range of motion are what keep us young!!  Swap out 5 minutes of sitting on the couch watching TV with 5 minutes of foam rolling. Foam rolling helps break up tightness within the muscle fibers. Consistency is key here. I put my foam roller in my kitchen so that I am reminded to do it each morning. #youcandothesplitsatanyage

#15 – Put down the salt shaker or at least control it!  The average American diet is loaded with sodium, oftentimes making it hard for us to stay within a healthy range (about 1500mg/day). We do need the right amount of quality salt, but watch your intake. Swap out that Morton’s table salt for Himalayan Pink Salt, which is not stripped of the essential trace minerals that our bodies need for proper function. #eatthepinkstuff

#16 – Swap a busy night or just make time to come together as a family or a couple at the dinner table at least once a week. With hectic schedules, this might be a challenge but it is worth it! Studies have proven that kids perform better in school and have better communication with their parents when families come together at the table. #familydinners

#17  – Runners or anyone engaging in exercise!  Swap out your socks. Socks make all the difference when it comes to comfort as you increase your distance, do sprints, or hit the gym for a HIIT workout. Swap out your old socks with a new pair of wicking socks like these Balegas #LOVEmysocks

#18 – Watch your condiments and again, check your labels. Make sure you are making those easy swaps – like your ketchup. Added sugar in ketchup adds up quickly! If the ketchup bottle in your pantry contains HFCS, swap it out for a healthier one!  This is easy to do and there are many options in grocery stores now. #TraderJoes

#19 – Swap out TIME! Time in the mornings, after school, after work or in the evenings…use that time to make healthy memories. Implement an “electronic free zone.” Engage in more face to face time. Talk. Do what works for your family, but make that time swap! #NoPhoneZone

#20 – Who doesn’t love ice cream??  But we also need to remember that ice cream is a treat, not a daily dietary staple that leads to lots of added sugar and inches around the waistline. Swap out your store bought ice cream and try making your own with frozen bananas! Contact me for recipes. #HealthyIceCreamIsReal 

#21 – With food prices soaring, buying in bulk can help you save significantly. Swap those small packages for items that you can buy in bulk; peanut butter, almond milk, rice, spaghetti sauce. Costco happens to have one of the largest organic grocery sections and some of my favorite finds! #shopcostco

#22 – Variety and challenging your body is key; for vitality, longevity, and with your fitness regimen. Scientists continue to prove the benefits of alternative fitness such as yoga, cryotherapy, and regular saunas. Swap one of your workouts for something new at least once a week. #iceiscoolbutilovethesauna

#23 – The super swap. Swap your new year’s resolutions for a real plan. Achieve this by recruiting an accountability partner or finding a coach. Do not give yourself room for excuses. Envision success. That is the only way! #noroomforexcuses


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