Building Children’s Self-Esteem to Combat Childhood Obesity (Part 2) 


In Part 1 of this article, we discussed the decline of family meals at “The Breakfast Table” and “The Dinner Table” and how it contributes to childhood obesity. We highlighted the critical role of self-esteem and emotional support in children’s lives and the consequences of its absence. In Part 2, we will delve deeper into the long-term impact of low self-esteem, provide guidance on building children’s self-worth, and underscore the importance of reviving the traditions of family meals.

The Ramifications of Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem in childhood has far-reaching consequences. It is a root cause of childhood obesity, as children may turn to food to fill the emotional void. Additionally, children with low self-esteem are more vulnerable to bullying and may struggle with issues of fitting in and finding their place in life. This sets the stage for a cycle of self-doubt that can persist into adulthood.

Early Development of Self-Esteem

The majority of a child’s self-esteem is developed in their formative years, particularly before the age of five. Therefore, it is essential for parents to take an active role in nurturing their child’s self-worth. Emotional support, quality time, and open communication are key ingredients in this process.

The Power of Family Meals

Family meals not only provide an opportunity to monitor the nutritional content of children’s diets but also allow parents to observe their children’s self-esteem. Signs of emotional issues, such as lethargy, overeating, or a lack of willingness to communicate, can be spotted during these shared meals. However, to notice these signs, parents must prioritize spending time together as a family.

Teaching Self-Worth

To combat low self-esteem and its associated problems, parents should focus on instilling self-worth in their children. Here are some key principles to consider:

Lead by Example: Live your life with integrity so that your children look up to you as role models and aspire to emulate your positive qualities.

Teach Values: Instill values like responsibility, honesty, loyalty, and respect in your children. Show them that kindness and intelligence are attributes to be celebrated, not ridiculed.

Handling Success and Failure: Teach your children to be good winners and gracious losers. Practicing humility and resilience will help them navigate life’s challenges.

Embrace Uniqueness: Encourage your children to embrace their individuality and appreciate what makes them unique.

Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries and enforce them consistently, teaching children about the consequences of their choices.

Love Unconditionally: Ensure that your children feel loved and accepted unconditionally, fostering their sense of self-worth.

Childhood obesity is a complex issue, and its roots go beyond diet and exercise. Low self-esteem is a significant contributor, and the decline of family meals plays a pivotal role in this crisis. It is the responsibility of parents to address this problem by nurturing their children’s self-worth and providing emotional support. By rekindling the traditions of family meals, we can help our children grow into healthy, confident, and self-assured individuals, mitigating the problems of bullying and obesity. It’s time to take action and make self-esteem a priority in our children’s lives.


All Article in Current Issue


by VERONICA DOYLE Mbuji Mayi, 1984. A young

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