
Ten Ways to Leverage Your Headshots!

  Linkedin Facebook and Instagram Email Signature Website Printed Materials (Brochures, Postcards, Flyers) Business Cards Articles and Press Releases Industry Niche Materials (Author bios, real estate yard signs, casting calls)

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LKN Foodie: A Taste of the Lake

This month’s food feature, The Foundry, is located within the Twin Mills Club in Denver. Although the club and its many amenities are for members only, don’t worry the restaurant

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A Taste of the Lake: The Landing

Welcome back to the newly renovated waterfront spot in Sherrills Ford, The Landing Restaurant, Tiki Bar and Marina. Dustin Keith, the new owner spent last year on overhauls for the

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Releasing the “Shoulds”

Many of us “should” on ourselves a lot. Whether it’s about our health, as in: I should eat better I should exercise more I should lose 15 pounds. Or about

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Making Strange Connections

Every year, by the grace of God, I fly home to Connecticut for several days in the early part of December. In the few short years since I’ve relocated, we’ve

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Napping is Good for You

For the longest time, I was an adamant anti-napper. In my naïve arrogance, I thought “Who has time for such a thing? Napping is for babies, preschoolers and seriously old

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