Jean Marie Johnson


Jean Marie Johnson is the first to say that she entered this life “with an inquisitive mind, a mush-melon heart, a significant degree of sass and a passion for all things beautiful.” She secured her first full time summer job at the age of twelve as a babysitter, sold Avon and babysat throughout high school, won a scholarship to a commuter college and tutored and worked in the placement office for extra cash. In the ensuing decades, Jean Marie travelled extensively, both domestically, and abroad, supporting organizations in their quest to enhance the employee and customer experience.  Over time, she evolved as a writer, speaker and provocateur, channeling years of life experience to support women on their journeys to embrace and express the person they were born to be. While continuing her work as an organizational learning strategist and writer, Jean Marie also writes about the joys and challenges of cultivating an authentic, “perfectly-imperfect” life. Jean Marie holds a BA in Social Work and an MS in Human Resource Development and Counseling. In her spare time, she can be found walking, tending her herb garden, feeding her backyard birds, hunting for great finds and always cultivating the beauty and the raw authenticity around her.

Acknowledgement Levels at Work

Which of the following are examples of acknowledgement? “Hey, how’re you doin’?” “That was awesome!” “You are incredible.”  They all are because acknowledgement comes in several shapes, sizes and forms.

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Impatience: My $900 Story

Whether you work or not, there is something about Friday at about 4:00 p.m. that may beckon you to step back from whatever it is that keeps you busy all

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Mastering Acknowledgement

As a former organizational coach, I was privileged to listen to deeply moving and inspiring stories about people from all walks of life who practiced the “I really see you”

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Hodge Podge Lodge

It all started with a simple question:  “What’s for dinner tonight?”  “Wish I knew.” “Don’t you always have something planned?” “Well, tonight it’s hodge podge.” The dictionary definition of this

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Peace Unto You

Just as I was about to wrap up our call with the customary “love you,” my girlfriend dropped a bombshell. We’ve known each other for a long time; her history

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When Isabelle Lost Her Head

To say that I was utterly speechless for at least five minutes is no exaggeration. Just seeing her lovely head flat out on the pavement, while her torso balanced on

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Caregiver Zen

When we were told that it would be best to operate, the hospital stay could be a week, recuperation at least a month and that post-op tests would determine “next

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Happy in the Here and Now

If that raise comes through… When I get through chemo… If I get to retirement… When I lose weight… We know better than to cancel out the heartbeat of hope

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Articles by Jean Marie Johnson

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