Super Snacks to Promote Wellness

We all have choices when it comes to food, especially snacks, and yet, the pull towards a choice that is less than healthy typically wins.  While the desire to eat […]

Nourishing One-Pot Cooking

With the start of the new year and the chill of winter, it’s time to stay cozy with comfort food. Savory, warming, one-pot dishes are ideal streamlined meals to simmer […]

Be Well Table; Healthier Potato Soup

Soup is the ultimate cozy dish, but it can sometimes pack in extra saturated fat. Try this lightened-up potato soup to get both nourishment and coziness! Servings: 8 Prep time: […]

The Christmas Potato Soup

We all have special foods we eat only during the holidays. These meals, in some way, have a sentimental meaning and are beloved traditions. They may hold a family connection, […]

Gingerbread Houses…a Spicy Past!

No confectionary treat symbolizes the holiday season quite like the spicy, candy-laden, edible gingerbread house. The modern-day U.S. Christmas tradition of gathering friends and family members to assemble and decorate […]

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