New Year’s Resolutions

Making a New Year’s resolution can come with a little hesitation.  By that same token, we know that the start of the year is always a good time to assess what’s going right in your personal and financial life and what you want or need to improve on. The beginning of the year is like a new starting line that we can take off from on fresh footing, if we so chose.  At Marzano Capital Group, we made our New Year’s resolution mid-way through 2022 and I’d like to share with you what it is and how our resolution may help your family in the upcoming year.

It is important to give you some background.  Our firm has been blessed to work with thousands of individuals and businesses over the years. Many of those families and businesses have been a part of our MCG family for generations and we feel privileged to be advocates for our clients over such meaningful periods of time. Those long-term relationships and the ability to work with multiple generations of the same family gives us insightful information about the younger generation and their potential as it relates to relationships with money. One very important fact about family financial literacy is that it can vary greatly from one member to the next. For example, grandparents to parents, or grandparents to grandchildren can expose great differences in the view of money and what is supposed to do for us as a function of our lives.  As an extension of that thought, it is widely understood that the Baby Boomer Generation had the save first and spend later mentality, whereas the younger generations appear to want to enjoy the benefits of their earnings now, by traveling and spending more now without the worry as much for the future.  Different thoughts on how savings should be managed and how current income should be spent can usually find a middle ground as long as there is a conversation.  Our New Year’s resolution is to empower you to start that conversation with educational material that we provide.

To try and level the playing field for anyone who wants a solid basic financial education, our New Year’s resolution was to create a curriculum for basic financial education that anyone can have access to. Clients or not, Marzano Capital Group wants to be a resource for all, young or old. Newer investor or seasoned retiree. Access to quality educational material that helps explain some of the most basic financial topics is what we will be hosting on our site and presenting at workshops in Davie County at Rise Athletics.  We have seen in the past that having a conversation starter makes the discussions easier and more beneficial for all and we want to provide a library of conversation starters for you to use.  Our goal is to better our communities with financial education, be a resource to our youth and ensure everyone has access to information that can better their lives.

Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advice offered through Independent Advisor Alliance, a registered investment advisor. Independent Advisor Alliance and Marzano Capital Group are separate entities from LPL Financial.


All Article in Current Issue


by VERONICA DOYLE Mbuji Mayi, 1984. A young

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