Dear New Year’s Resolutions,
There is something I’ve got to get off my chest.
From elementary school essays and college dorm vision boards to Facebook posts and journal entries into adolescence and adulthood you’ve been there… reminding me of the year ahead, the person I want to become each January. You’ve played such an important role in my life for so many years, that it pains me to tell you that… I think it’s finally over between us.
- It’s not you, it’s me. You see, that person I want to become each January? The one you remind me about every year? I’m already her. Sure, I may not be the best version of her every single day, but I show up and I do my damndest. Of course, I know you do, too. I’m not saying you’re at fault here, you’re just doing your job – reminding each of us to do better, to reach higher, to go farther this year. I mean, that’s great advice!
- I think I just need space right now. It’s been a difficult few years for the human race if I’m being honest, and while I love the idea of “reaching higher” I think a lot of us are just fine with reaching next to us or just slightly across from us right now. I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this, but you can really put the pressure on. Maybe timing just isn’t your thing but the end of the year mid-holidays really is one hell of a time to throw the whole “new year, new me” mantra in our faces.
- I love you, but I’m just not in love with you. I’ve always loved dreaming up what the new year will hold and challenging myself to dig deeper into what I want the next 365 days to look like. I love you for the gentle reminders and the added accountability. Even the publicity you bring with you every December and January is really something to behold. There are whole industries obsessed with you, using you in their marketing ads to help coax people into buying their products or subscribing to their services just to keep up with whatever resolution they committed to. You’re impressive, I’ll give you that.
- We’re both looking for different things, really. This year, I’m reminding myself that January 1st isn’t special. There’s nothing scientific about starting a goal in January that says we’re any more likely to achieve it. In fact, it may be hard to hear this, but I think you make it more likely NOT to for some of us. I don’t need you to remind me that the turning of the calendar is my chance at a fresh start, because every day is a fresh start. So this year, I’m not looking to walk hand in hand when the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, but I hope you’ll still cheer for me anyway.
- You’re going to make some lucky girl really happy someday…It’s just not meant to be me. I greeted the new year with my head held high about every little thing I accomplished (and didn’t) last year. Keep reminding people of what’s possible and be there when they need you. I’m keeping my eyes set toward the future each day and I’ve got my sunglasses ready because I know it’s going to be bright.
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year.
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