Art Speak: Unveiling Lake Norman’s Creative Voices – August 2024

This month’s featured creator is glass artist Cary Caldwell.

How would you describe your work? 

Bursting with color! I love all colors and, with glass, I am able to play with the most brilliant colors that are both opaque and transparent. With glass, I am able to work abstractly. In the past, I was an art quilter as well as a pet portrait artist. I always felt that I had to draw or sew exactly what I saw. Working with glass allows me to create abstract and functional art. 

Which other artists most inspired you?  

This is a very hard question. As for glass artists, I feel like the obvious and one of the most well known glass artists is Dale Chihuly. His use of color is mesmerizing. Every time I see his work, I see new colors and shapes. Lesser known artists that inspired me include my grandmother (watercolor artist), my aunt (portrait artist) and, of course, my mother who is able to do anything artistic. Growing up, she had a local arts and craft show where she created and showcased projects.  

Where do you find your best sources for inspiration?   

I find inspiration all around me in my everyday life. Spotting unique color combinations or textures, new and old buildings, or even an animal that I see going about their daily life give me reason to pause and snap a photo. There are many times my husband has stopped and turned the car around for me to capture these moments when we are out for a drive. 

What is the greatest compliment you’ve received about your work? 

I’ve been fortunate to be recognized on a national level for my art quilts, but not for my newest passion in glass. In 2022, I was selected to be one of 20 local artists of ArtPop. This was both an exciting and incredible opportunity. I was fortunate to have my art displayed on billboards all over Charlotte. It was so fun driving to work on I-85 and seeing my name in lights every day. I was so impacted by the honor of being a part of ArtPop that I started sewing beach bags with the remains of my billboard.

What are you working on now that you are excited about?  

I have been trying new techniques which have ignited so many new ideas! There are so many that I can’t wait to try, but there is just not enough time in the day for everything. I am working on pot melts (creating sheets of glass that have free flowing colors) and glass combing. There are so many things to learn which makes trying them all the more exciting! 

What is one piece of creative advice you wish you had learned sooner than later? 

Making mistakes is the best way to learn, however, it can be expensive when it comes to glass. I have learned to save pieces that haven’t turned out how I planned instead of getting frustrated and breaking them or throwing them away. This medium allows me to repurpose those materials into new pieces. For example, many of my jewelry pieces are made from past experiments. In fact, many of these have become my most popular pieces.  

Where can our readers learn more about you and see some more examples of your work? 

You can visit me at or on Instagram @caryel8.


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