Helpful Tips for Eating Gluten-Free

by HALLEIGH MILLESON When I was a junior in high school, I had a food sensitivity test done as I was having stomach issues. Surprisingly, when the results came back, […]

Lindsey Fisher Health: Season of Supplements

The supplement questions. I get them quite frequently. The US supplement market is recorded to generate an astounding 40+ Billion per year. While you can most definitely go way overboard […]

Health & Wellness: Let’s Be Real

by LINDSEY FISHER@LF Health & Wellness We are not a “one size fits all” society. We don’t all walk the same way, speak the same language, listen to the same […]

Walking Towards Better Fitness

Everybody knows that exercise improves our overall health, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we all need to become gym bros. There’s nothing wrong with focusing that hard on your physical […]

Yoga Benefits Your Mind, Body and Soul

by LESLIE SPEAS Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. It is a science that consists of observations, principles, and theories regarding the connection between the mind, body, […]

My Top 20 at Trader Joe’s

by LINDSAY FISHER Listen up Lake Norman, WE NEED A TRADER JOE’S! TJ’s is doing it right and we need to bring that happy shopping experience closer to our community.  […]

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