The Publisher’s Perspective

Headshot by CARRIE ALLEN Is this cover beautiful or what? Was it a challenge to capture a quickly changing sunset? Absolutely. Was it worth the effort? Without a doubt! It […]

The Publisher’s Perspective

We have so much going on in our August issue, that I can hardly wait to get this one on the stands! Speaking of stands… we just got a shipment […]

The Publisher’s Perspective: July 2023

Welcome to the July issue of LKN Magazine! We are delighted to present another edition brimming with captivating content. Our aim is to provide you with an enchanting escape and […]

The Publisher’s Perspective

KEELA AND HER DAD, KELLY Welcome to the June issue of LKN Magazine! We’re thrilled to bring you our 10th issue, and we hope you find it both informative and […]

The Publisher’s Perspective

Hello and welcome to our latest issue of LKN Magazine! As we dive into summer, there is so much to celebrate this month, I am thrilled to share some highlights […]

The Publisher’s Perspective

photo by CARRIE ALLEN April is the first full month of spring, and I am so excited and ready for my favorite season of the year. I look forward to […]

The Publisher’s Perspective

Is anyone looking forward to March 20th?! Yes, the first day of spring! I couldn’t be more excited… I have missed my paddle board rides more than ever this winter. […]

The Publisher’s Perspective

Photo by JODIE BRIM CREATIVE I doubt there is a person reading this that hasn’t been affected in some way by heart health. In fact, the father of a dear […]

The Publisher’s Perspective

PHOTO BY CARRIE ALLEN, LLC Happy New Year! Whew, what a month… I don’t know about you, but holidays are a little bit like company, happy to see them come, […]

The Publisher’s Perspective-December 2022

December is one of my favorite months – so many new memories to make with family and friends! I don’t think any of us take holiday “get togethers” for granted […]

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